Recently, the Kreloses team visited Melaka to attend a dialogue with Melaka's Pharmaceutical Services Division together with other veterinarians, pet shop owners as well as zoo and crocodile park owners. This informational and knowledge-sharing session emphasises on the importance of drug control and the correct way of producing the Prescription Book in accordance with The Poisons Acts 1952.
The panel shared various insightful topics such as the types of controlled-medication for animals including the role of veterinarians in the industry. Besides that, the veterinarians also raised and discussed certain issues in the industry with the panel for clarification or better solutions in handling the matters. The cooperation between the professionals and the government to improve the life quality of animals and livestock, which will in turn improve human life quality, was evident.
Through this dialogue, we have learned numerous new things and enhanced our understanding especially on the Prescription Book and Drug Reports. It is also an opportunity for us to get to know our customers and their roles better, allowing us to have a glimpse of their everyday lives and take note of their pain points. We would also like to relay our special thanks to the panel and Mr. Mohd Nor Shukran from Melaka's Pharmaceutical Services Division for the invitation and warm welcome.