Super Pawers Animal Clinic in Setia Alam, Shah Alam

By Diana Seow Monday, 7 September, 2020

A photo of Shivam posing with Dr. Hafizi and his passionate team.A photo of Shivam posing with Dr. Hafizi and his passionate team.

Greetings to Dr. Hafizi and the team behind Super Pawers Animal Clinic in Setia Alam. Not all heroes wear capes, but some definitely wear scrubs. The veterinary clinic name leaves a deep impression as veterinarians are really the heroes for our pets and animals in general. They have countless phenomenal 'superpawers' including their healing hands, big hearts and a great software to help them in all administrative tasks in the clinic so they can be out there unleashing their power of greatness to save furry friends in need.

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