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Mengubah Visi Menjadi Realitas dengan Kreloses

Mengubah Visi Menjadi Realitas dengan Kreloses

Sudah lama saya ingin memberikan dampak positif bagi orang lain. Ketika saya bertemu dengan para pendiri Kreloses, misi mereka untuk membantu hewan dan pemiliknya sangat mengena di hati saya. Saya menyadari bahwa saya bisa berkontribusi tidak hanya untuk manusia tetapi juga untuk hewan, makhluk indah ciptaan Tuhan. Kreloses adalah platform yang sempurna untuk mewujudkan impian ini

Friday, 19 July, 2024

From Paper Trails to Digital Success: My Journey with Kreloses in Uplifting Philippine Vet Clinics

From Paper Trails to Digital Success: My Journey with Kreloses in Uplifting Philippine Vet Clinics

Hi there! I’m Dixie, your dedicated sales representative at Kreloses, where we’re driven to revolutionize veterinary clinics across the Philippines with our state-of-the-art software solutions. But let me take a step back to where my journey with animals really began. Before we welcomed our beloved Aspin, Sky, into our home, I must admit I was somewhat hesitan

Tuesday, 30 April, 2024

Peran Teknologi dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Kesehatan Hewan Peliharaan

Peran Teknologi dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Kesehatan Hewan Peliharaan

Dalam Seminar Nasional PKH UM Sumatera Barat yang bertemakan Tantangan Dokter Hewan Dalam One Health diberikan oleh Dr. drh. Muhammad Munawarah, M.M, Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PB-PDHI), menyoroti tantangan dan peluang unik yang dihadapi oleh profesi kedokteran hewan dalam era berkembangnya teknologi dan transformasi digital.

Monday, 29 April, 2024

Malaysia and Its Boundless Potential

Malaysia and Its Boundless Potential

Being the content person in the team, I am always on the lookout for fresh ideas and this means I have to drown myself in oceans of articles sometimes. There are many interesting pieces that I stumbled upon but one that particularly caught my eye recently was from CEOWORLD magazine.

Friday, 19 July, 2019

Start Within Yourself

Start Within Yourself

In the light of recent news about several endangered species' population further decline in Malaysia, it is definitely a wake-up call for us to change our daily habits in order to improve mother Earth's health.

Friday, 21 June, 2019

Cultivating Second Chances

Cultivating Second Chances

The increasing number of veterinary clinics in Malaysia is another proof that many Malaysians are animal lovers and are willing to give them a better quality of life. Deemed as one of the best stress relievers, having a pet brings numerous emotional benefits and immeasurable happiness.

Friday, 24 May, 2019

Making the Connection

Making the Connection

Imagine a world without movies, music, art, stories and all the things that are products of creativity. So lonely, so quiet and definitely so much less vibrant and interesting, isn't it? The advancement of digital technology has further woven creative contents into our day-to-day life.

Friday, 10 May, 2019

Angel with a Tail, not Wings

Angel with a Tail, not Wings

Wednesday, 3 April, 2019

Keeping the Numbers in Check

Keeping the Numbers in Check

Wednesday, 6 March, 2019

Cruelty Deserves No Mercy

Cruelty Deserves No Mercy

Friday, 15 February, 2019

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