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Kreloses Shares Expertise with Future Veterinarians at UPM

Kreloses Shares Expertise with Future Veterinarians at UPM

Today was a memorable day for us at Kreloses. As the co-founder, along with Aisya, our product expert, we had the incredible opportunity to serve as guest lecturers for first-year veterinary students at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). We are deeply grateful to Dr. Hariani for her longstanding trust in our services, which has been pivotal from the very beginning of our journey

Wednesday, 24 April, 2024

Kabar Gembira: Kreloses Terintegrasi dengan SATUSEHAT!

Kabar Gembira: Kreloses Terintegrasi dengan SATUSEHAT!

Berita spesial bagi Anda semua! Kreloses, secara resmi telah terintegrasi dengan SATUSEHAT tahap pertama, sesuai dengan regulasi standar yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Peraturan Nomor 24 Tahun 2022 tentang Rekam Medis. Integrasi ini menandai tonggak penting dalam komitmen kami untuk menyediakan solusi layanan kesehatan yang lancar dan efisien.

Tuesday, 2 April, 2024

Kreloses Teregistrasi di SATUSEHAT, Kementerian Kesehatan: Langkah Menuju Sistem Digital yang Terintegrasi di Indonesia

Kreloses Teregistrasi di SATUSEHAT, Kementerian Kesehatan: Langkah Menuju Sistem Digital yang Terintegrasi di Indonesia

Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan pencapaian penting di Kreloses, bahwa kami sudah teregistrasi secara resmi dengan SATUSEHAT , sistem informasi kesehatan terintegrasi yang diprakarsai oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia. Pendaftaran ini menandai langkah penting dalam perjalanan kami untuk sepenuhnya mengintegrasikan solusi kesehatan digital di Indonesia. Apa artinya ini? Pendaftaran registrasi Kr

Thursday, 25 January, 2024

Exciting News for Our Indonesian Clients: Kreloses is Now Registered with PSE Kominfo!

Exciting News for Our Indonesian Clients: Kreloses is Now Registered with PSE Kominfo!

Kepada Para Pelanggan yang Tercinta, Kami selalu berusaha untuk melayani Anda dengan lebih baik, dan dengan niat itu, kami sangat senang untuk mengumumkan bahwa Kreloses telah resmi terdaftar di PSE (Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik) Indonesia. Apa artinya ini untuk Anda? ✅ Kemudahan Berbisnis: Terdaftar di PSE mengindikasikan bahwa kami mematuhi pedoman dan regulasi terbaru yan

Thursday, 7 September, 2023

Buying a new laptop for your service business in Malaysia

Buying a new laptop for your service business in Malaysia

We get a lot of questions regarding the purchase of computers for running Kreloses. Here are some quick tips when purchasing a laptop in Malaysia. You can expect to spend around RM2000 in total, but make sure you read the tips below to ensure that you purchase carefully and correctly.

Wednesday, 9 December, 2020

Buying second-hand computers for your business in Malaysia

Buying second-hand computers for your business in Malaysia

We get a lot of questions regarding the purchase of computers for running Kreloses. Here are some quick tips when purchasing used computers in Malaysia. Purchasing a second-hand computer is a valid choice if done correctly. You can expect to spend around RM899 in total, but make sure you read the tips below to ensure that you purchase carefully and correctly.

Wednesday, 18 December, 2019

The Benefits of Pet Microchips

The Benefits of Pet Microchips

In an effort to fight the rabies outbreak, Jakarta Province's Department of Food, Maritime and Agricultural Affairs (KPKP) has given out 500 free microchips to dog owners and breeders in 2018. The installation of microchips for pets is quite common in Indonesia.

Friday, 1 November, 2019

The Advantages of Using Cloud-based SaaS

The Advantages of Using Cloud-based SaaS

The term 'SaaS' has been gaining popularity worldwide, especially in Malaysia as a young player in the IT industry. SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a method of delivering software over the internet via subscription without the need to be installed on your computer.

Friday, 26 July, 2019

Automation Made Simple

Automation Made Simple

There are millions of pet owners in Malaysia and the number is still increasing everyday. When such a large number of people are involved, it is easier to raise awareness on certain issues and in this case, on animal welfare and responsible pet ownership.

Saturday, 13 July, 2019

Onsite Training with Kreloses

Onsite Training with Kreloses

Making up of more than 90% of Malaysia's economy, the local SMEs' technological uptake is also on the rise. It is certainly a driving force for Malaysians to use software in their businesses.

Tuesday, 9 July, 2019

A Smooth Journey of Using Software

A Smooth Journey of Using Software

As the popularity of Software as a Service (SaaS) skyrockets, an increasing number of software companies are emerging in Malaysia. With so many choices, you can take your time to pick the right software that is most compatible with your business.

Tuesday, 25 June, 2019

Transitioning from Legacy to Modern Cloud Software

Transitioning from Legacy to Modern Cloud Software

In a developing country like Malaysia, we have a lack of efficient local software for service businesses. Hence, a big number of them rely on software like Microsoft Excel when they are quoting or invoicing their customers.

Friday, 14 June, 2019

Use Software to Quote and Invoice Customers for You

Use Software to Quote and Invoice Customers for You

A number of small businesses in Malaysia still produce their quotations and invoices with pen and paper. In this technological era, there are better ways to manage this process and one of them is by using software.

Wednesday, 12 June, 2019

Tracking the Right Way

Tracking the Right Way

In Malaysia, businesses often lose track of company expenses or it may not be documented thoroughly. It may seem like a mundane task and is often put on the back-burner by businesses. However, starting early and tracking accurately from the beginning can save a significant amount of time and hassle, especially when tax season is around the corner.

Friday, 7 June, 2019

Staying in Control

Staying in Control

In recent years, many Malaysian businesses are slowly but surely getting their foot in the door of digitalisation. This has catapulted local businesses to implement software into their daily operations process, improving overall efficiency and maximising the business' potential.

Wednesday, 29 May, 2019

Lesser Work to Faster Identification

Lesser Work to Faster Identification

Congested reception areas in clinics and hospitals are common sights in Malaysia, especially when there is a change in the weather. In this era where efficiency is crucial in almost every situation, it is not ideal for patients to spend more than 10 minutes just to get themselves registered into the system.

Sunday, 12 May, 2019

Spicing Up the Line

Spicing Up the Line

Almost everywhere we go in Malaysia, it is not uncommon to see people lining up for something. Notably in clinics and hospitals, it is an inevitable part of the process that everyone unfortunately has to go through.

Wednesday, 24 April, 2019

Thinking for the Long Run

Thinking for the Long Run

For a developing country like Malaysia, most businesses are in the transitioning period towards digitisation. Some of them are contemplating whether to take the leap of faith while others are rather reluctant in making the switch.

Friday, 12 April, 2019

Standing Firm in our Belief

Standing Firm in our Belief

The software industry in Malaysia is so dynamic that there are countless software companies sprouting and folding every other day. It is hard to start a business and it is even more difficult to sustain it.

Monday, 8 April, 2019

Freeing Oneself from the Shackles of Time

Freeing Oneself from the Shackles of Time

The severity of traffic congestion and overcrowding public transport during peak hours tell us that Malaysia is beginning to look like hectic countries similar to Singapore and Hong Kong. Everyone is in a rush, busy chasing something, be it lost time, wealth, dreams and just about anything that drives them out of bed everyday.

Tuesday, 26 March, 2019

Embracing Technology, Overcoming Barriers

Embracing Technology, Overcoming Barriers

Most of the countries around the world have seen the benefits of technology adoption and Malaysia is no different. From educational institutions, healthcare centres to small businesses, almost no industry can dodge the usage of mobile phones and tablets.

Friday, 22 March, 2019

More than Top-notch Healthcare

More than Top-notch Healthcare

Malaysia bagged the title of 'Best Healthcare in the World' back in 2016 and this year, we are once again honoured with the same title and rank by International Living Annual Global Retirement Index when we scored 95 out of 100 points.

Friday, 15 March, 2019

Taking the Jump to Digitalisation

Taking the Jump to Digitalisation

Illegal and uncontrolled logging is a common issue plastered on the body of newspapers from time to time in Malaysia. Despite being a green country, Malaysia has its own fair share of pollution as well. Almost every other day, we see reports of worsening global pollution and how climate quality is making a dangerous swerve down the chart.

Tuesday, 12 March, 2019

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