We’re thrilled to announce that Kreloses is now fully compliant with Malaysia’s LHDN e-Invoice requirements! The new e-invoicing feature is live, providing an efficient and streamlined solution to help your clinic stay compliant with the latest tax regulations. **What Does This Mean for You?** With this new update, Kreloses offers a simplified process for hand
Tuesday, 7 January, 2025
Kreloses telah mengadakan pelatihan di RSHP Prof. Soeparwi, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Gadjah Mada (FKH UGM), sebagai langkah penting dalam mendukung transformasi digital di bidang kedokteran hewan.
Monday, 30 December, 2024
Over the years, dental clinics are rapidly growing across Malaysia as the public awareness of oral health increases. A fundamental part of the clinic's workflow is to register patients and save the record into the database.
Monday, 23 December, 2024
Kami baru saja menyelesaikan pertemuan yang sangat berarti dengan Prof. drh. Teguh Budipitojo, M.P., Ph.D., Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Presentasi berlangsung dengan menyenangkan, dan Prof. Teguh menunjukkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang sistem Kreloses.
Friday, 25 October, 2024
Dalam dunia kesehatan yang bergerak cepat saat ini, komunikasi yang efektif antar anggota tim medis sangat penting untuk memberikan perawatan pasien yang berkualitas tinggi. Sebelumnya, informasi pasien dicatat dan dibagikan menggunakan sistem berbasis kertas, yang sering menyebabkan penundaan, ketidakefisienan, bahkan kesalahan karena miskomunikasi.
Monday, 7 October, 2024
In today’s fast-paced healthcare environment, effective communication among medical team members is essential for providing high-quality patient care. Traditionally, patient information was recorded and shared through paper-based systems, which often led to delays, inefficiencies, and even errors due to miscommunication. However, with advancements in technology, Electronic Medical Re
Friday, 4 October, 2024
Diskusi terbaru tentang sistem digital Kreloses untuk klinik dan Rumah Sakit Hewan Soeparwi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan UGM sangat menarik dan informatif. Dipimpin oleh Rinda Hadiana, perwakilan kami di Indonesia, presentasi berlangsung dengan semangat dan jelas, menciptakan suasana positif yang mendorong semua peserta untuk berpartisipasi aktif.
Tuesday, 1 October, 2024
Wednesday, 14 August, 2024
On June 12, 2024, the Kreloses team had the privilege of conducting an interactive hands-on training session with the enthusiastic veterinary students of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), specifically the VPP3171 class. This event marked a significant step towards integrating modern technology into veterinary education, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation am
Monday, 17 June, 2024
We are thrilled to share our exhilarating experience at Vet Diagnostix: The Veterinary Practice Forum, an event that brought together the brightest minds in veterinary practice. Held on April 10, 2024, at the SMX Convention, SM Aura, Taguig City, this gathering was not just an event but a confluence of ideas, innovation, and shared passion for animal care. First and foremost, we
Monday, 20 May, 2024
Pernahkah Anda mengalami kesulitan menentukan waktu yang tepat untuk membuat janji temu? Jika ya, bayangkan jika pelanggan Anda menghadapi hal yang sama ketika mencoba untuk membuat janji temu dengan klinik Anda yang mana dapat mengganggu efisiensi klinik. Namun, Kami memiliki solusi yang dapat mengubah cara Anda mengelola janji temu: Booking Online!
Monday, 20 May, 2024
Today was a memorable day for us at Kreloses. As the co-founder, along with Aisya, our product expert, we had the incredible opportunity to serve as guest lecturers for first-year veterinary students at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). We are deeply grateful to Dr. Hariani for her longstanding trust in our services, which has been pivotal from the very beginning of our journey
Wednesday, 24 April, 2024
Berita spesial bagi Anda semua! Kreloses, secara resmi telah terintegrasi dengan SATUSEHAT tahap pertama, sesuai dengan regulasi standar yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Peraturan Nomor 24 Tahun 2022 tentang Rekam Medis. Integrasi ini menandai tonggak penting dalam komitmen kami untuk menyediakan solusi layanan kesehatan yang lancar dan efisien.
Tuesday, 2 April, 2024
Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan pencapaian penting di Kreloses, bahwa kami sudah teregistrasi secara resmi dengan SATUSEHAT , sistem informasi kesehatan terintegrasi yang diprakarsai oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia. Pendaftaran ini menandai langkah penting dalam perjalanan kami untuk sepenuhnya mengintegrasikan solusi kesehatan digital di Indonesia. Apa artinya ini? Pendaftaran registrasi Kr
Thursday, 25 January, 2024
We get a lot of questions regarding the purchase of computers for running Kreloses. Here are some quick tips when purchasing a laptop in Malaysia. You can expect to spend around RM2000 in total, but make sure you read the tips below to ensure that you purchase carefully and correctly.
Wednesday, 9 December, 2020
We get a lot of questions regarding the purchase of computers for running Kreloses. Here are some quick tips when purchasing used computers in Malaysia. Purchasing a second-hand computer is a valid choice if done correctly. You can expect to spend around RM899 in total, but make sure you read the tips below to ensure that you purchase carefully and correctly.
Wednesday, 18 December, 2019
In an effort to fight the rabies outbreak, Jakarta Province's Department of Food, Maritime and Agricultural Affairs (KPKP) has given out 500 free microchips to dog owners and breeders in 2018. The installation of microchips for pets is quite common in Indonesia.
Friday, 1 November, 2019
An increasing number of Indonesian veterinarians are offering house call services to meet the public's high demand. Recently, house call service is the choice of many pet parents mainly due to its convenience and reduced stress for the furkids. It is especially ideal for owners with large-sized pets that are hard to be transported.
Saturday, 12 October, 2019
Indonesia has always been struggling with a shortage of veterinarians, a situation that is highly relatable to Malaysia. There are approximately 20,000 vets in Indonesia currently, which is 50,000 away from the ideal total of 70,000. The demand for veterinarians is still very high due to increased public awareness of animal welfare.
Friday, 4 October, 2019
Each year, the number of dentists and dental clinics in Malaysia has continued to increase. While there are many options in the dental software market, a lion's share of them are overpriced.
Friday, 13 September, 2019
The SaaS scene in Malaysia has been flourishing and SaaS has grown to become a need in the veterinary industry due to its ability to reduce management burdens. Despite the increasing number of implementations, some business owners are still hesitant to run their businesses with SaaS.
Friday, 16 August, 2019
More often than not, Malaysian veterinarians have more on their plate than they can cope. As of 2018, there are only around 450 private veterinary clinics and 2,500 veterinarians who are registered with the Malaysian Veterinary Council, bringing the ratio of vets to one for every 12,000 population.
Friday, 9 August, 2019
It is undeniable that a lion's share of Malaysians use pirated operating systems due to its low cost or sometimes even free of charge. Typically, most Malaysians are not aware of the potential risks that using pirated operating systems such as counterfeit Windows can pose.
Friday, 2 August, 2019
The term 'SaaS' has been gaining popularity worldwide, especially in Malaysia as a young player in the IT industry. SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a method of delivering software over the internet via subscription without the need to be installed on your computer.
Friday, 26 July, 2019